Page 3 - Kind News, May/June 2021
P. 3

opposite page, from top: (pet corner) xxxxx/bigstock; redrover; raja app images: bryan huff. this page: redrover.
                                                                                  HUMANE HERO

                  Have a story of how
                 you’ve helped animals?
                  We’d love to hear it!
                Share your story at

     art/bigstock; redrover; thomas dutour/bigstock; redrover; raja app images: bryan huff. this page: redrover.


                                       SHOWS THE WAY

                                       Kaitlin Miyashiro was just four when her puppy, a tiny terrier
                                       mix named Cookie, died shortly after she brought her home
                                       from a pet store. Her parents found out that Cookie had a
                                       virus. Cookie was born at a place that was raising more dogs
                                       than could be cared for properly. Because the dogs were not
                                       cared for properly, it made it much easier for Cookie to get this
         virus. The virus spread to Cookie from the other dogs. Heartbroken, the family decided to
         help dogs in need by volunteering with a dog rescue group. They began working with
         Fur-Angel Foundation (FAF) on Oahu Island in their home state of Hawaii.

            A couple of years later, Kaitlin decided to start   Boba, her Maltese/Shih Tzu mix. “It’s really important
         teaching others how to care for pets. “After seeing so   because the majority of people who get bitten by
     _   many dogs who were abused or abandoned, I realized   dogs are kids who don’t know how to approach
     opposite page, from top: (pet corner) vikusha  Coordinator. That means a lot of work in schools   need to be big to make a difference in the world.
                                                           them,” she says.
         we should teach [children] not to do this to the dogs,”
         she says. “I don’t want to have them suffer at all.”
                                                             Kaitlin’s advice to other young people? “You don’t
            Now 11, Kaitlin is FAF’s Educational Youth
                                                           All you need is big dreams. If you’re really passionate
                                                           about something, you should educate others.”
         around Oahu. “My favorite lesson is about vet care
         because I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up,”
         she says. Using props, Kaitlin teaches about spay/
                                                             COVID-19 has not stopped Kaitlin’s efforts to teach
         neuter, flea and heartworm prevention, and vaccines
                                                             others about pets. When classrooms were closed,
         for pets. Students practice exams on stuffed animals.
                                                             she illustrated an activity book called Hero’s Journey
         Kaitlin also teaches how to pet a dog with the help of
                                                             to a Forever Home. You can download it at

                                WHY DID THE TREE THINK THE DOG WAS TALKING TO HIM?            May/June 2021 | 3
                  RIDDLE RAT!   (answer on p. 7)
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