Page 8 - Kind News, May/June 2021
P. 8
To the
Meet Max, a survivor of the
2018 Paradise Camp Fire.
Meet Max! Kind Questions
November 8, 2018 started like any However, the dog in the video Now that you've read
other morning for the Yeager family. looked nothing like their fluffy Kind News, challenge
Michel, the mom of the family, woke white and grey Husky. This dog yourself with these
up and let Max, their one-year-old was brown and badly burnt. questions.
Siberian Husky-mix, outside. Michel Even though Max looked different 1. Before reading "Being an
dropped her daughters off at school when the family arrived at the Entomologist," had you
and headed to work. That’s when hospital, the girls recognized him ever thought about a job
she got a call: a huge wildfire was almost immediately! He wasn’t like this? What ideas did
breaking out in town! feeling well, but they were so happy reading the article give
you about what you might
The fire moved quickly. Michel they found him. The veterinarians like to do for a job when
picked up her kids and drove home, took care of Max, making sure his you are older, or what
grabbing as much as she could. burns healed nicely. He had to wear ideas did you already
Smoke was filling the air, making a cone for a while when he came have for this?
it hard to see and even hard to home. Over time, he got back to 2. Social awareness is
breathe! They looked for Max his normal, playful, and goofy self! noticing how others
everywhere, but he was nowhere What tips does Max’s mom have might be feeling or
to be found. They had to make the for making sure you are disaster- thinking and how this
tough decision to leave without Max. ready? “Make sure you have all your relates to how they are
Michel posted about Max online to important documents in one place acting. How do both
try to find him. One day, she came so they are easy to grab and go. Humane Hero Kaitlin and cover: redrover. this page: redrover.
Morgane the entomologist
across a news video. Someone found Also, make sure your dog has a collar show that they have social
a dog with a collar that said “Max.” with your information on it. That’s awareness? What is one
how we were able to identify Max!” thing you have done in
your life that shows
social awareness?
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© redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be edited
for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized by charitable
donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available as a single-copy home
subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.