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Parents and educators: Access the latest digital issue of Kind News magazine to share with your children or students!
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- Award winning publication
- Teach Empathy for Animals
- Highly recommended by Educators!
Kind News, Jr is written for grades K-2 and Kind News is written for grades 3-6.
Trusted by these generous sponsors, who bring Kind News to thousands of children every year!

"We have sponsored Kind News for 17 years! Our teachers love it and so do the students.There is no better, more cost-effective way to get humane education into so many schools than with Kind News. We also hand it out at special events. I can’t tell you how many times a child walks up and says he or she gets Kind News in the classroom. It means we are reaching our target audience and making a difference."
Melissa Korzuch, PresidentPrince William SPCA
“For almost two decades, we have brought Kind News to classrooms throughout Middle Tennessee, nurturing a love for reading and kindness in every issue. We take pride in helping spread ‘kindness, respect, and responsibility’ to children and their families”
Beesley Animal FoundationMurfreesboro, TN
“Over the more than 20 years Ohlone Humane Society has proudly sponsored Kind News classroom subscriptions, we've found it a great way to connect with our schools and teachers and to open doors for humane education”
L. O'Connor, Volunteer and Humane Education/Youth and Family Program ManagerOhlone Humane Society
“We love providing the teachers and students of our community with these informative and interesting magazines. We hear often that both the students and teachers look forward to receiving the content!”
Alyssa Vincent, Pet Education Program ManagerNapa Humane Society, Napa. CA
“Schools tell us they are so happy to receive this magazine. One secretary tells me she always takes a copy for her grandson who lives outside of the area. It is our goal to keep adding classrooms yearly!”
Caryl McIntire Edwards, PresidentVoice for Animals, Harrison, Maine
“The St. Maarten Animal Welfare Foundation has been bringing Kind News to St. Maarten for over 30 years! We are happy and proud to be sharing the Kind News with so many children."
Kathy Deher, PresidentSt. Maarten Animal Welfare Foundation. Philipsburg, Sint Maarten

Since 1985, hundreds of humane organizations and animal advocates have used Kind News to strengthen humane education in their communities. You can make lessons in kindness and respect for animals a regular part of the school year in your area by adopting classrooms. Providing Kind News for a whole classroom all year long costs just $30. When you adopt 11 or more classrooms, the price drops to just $21-$25.
Adopt a classroom(s), school, or district so they receive Kind News magazine for free!
Are you an animal shelter or humane organization interested in bringing Kind News to your community?
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Animal Organizations
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