I have four pairs of eyes which
help me hunt prey and get
around quickly and easily.
Clue #2
I have scopulae, sticky hairs on
my feet, that help me hold onto
glass or other smooth surfaces.
Clue #3
My name comes from my
ability to jump very long
distances. I can jump up to
six times my body length!
Clue #4
Instead of trapping my prey,
I catch it by jumping on it, and
my binocular vision helps me
judge depth.
Clue #5
I plan my motions depending
on what I need to do! In one
study, I showed that when my
prey is closer, I choose faster, lower jumps to increase the chances that I will catch it.
Clue #6
Even though I don’t have ears,
I can still sense sound — the
sensory hairs on my body take
in sound wave vibrations, which send signals to my brain.
Clue #7
To attract a mate, I sing a special
song and dance!
Take the quiz below to see if you can guess the answer!