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Is a Parrot for You?

A pair of orange/yellow/green lovebirds perched on a branch against a white background

Because of parrots’ intelligence, they require special care. For example, experts at the Columbus Zoo say that having an African Gray is like having a three-year-old for 60 years! If your family chooses to have a parrot as a pet, follow these tips!

🦜 Do your homework on where the parrot is coming from first. Make sure you are not getting a bird taken from the wild.

🦜 Check parrot rescues before buying a parrot from a pet store.

🦜 Foster (or care for a parrot for a short time) first to see if a parrot is the right fit for your family.

🦜 If you do get a parrot, make sure you have all the supplies you need. Ask rescue groups and do online research. For example, PetMD has a great page on lovebird needs. Ask an adult for permission to search “Lovebird care sheet” on their site. 

What about wild bird intelligence?
Watch this video on their communication, from Brains On for Kids!
Can you predict what they are trying to tell their friends?

Credit: Brains On for Kids