1Clue #1I build long burrows, or underground tunnels, to live in, store food, and travel around in.
2Clue #2I eat some insects, but I mostly eat plants. Some of my favorite foods are roots, grass, and shrubs!
3Clue #3I am a solitary animal — I live alone except when I am taking care of my babies.
4Clue #4My eyesight and hearing aren’t very good, so I use my whiskers and tail to get around safely.
5Clue #5When I forage, or gather, food, I bring it home in my cheek pouches to save for later.
6Clue #6I can make a high-pitched squeaky sound, like a scream, when predators are near!
7Clue #7I have special lips that close behind my teeth to keep dirt out.
8Clue #8You can tell where my burrows are — when I dig them I push soil up, creating mounds of dirt!