1Clue #1I live in forests and woodlands, sometimes in dead trees, woodpecker holes, or abandoned nests.
2Clue #2There are many other types of my animal, but I am a special kind who can glide through the air from tree to tree!
3Clue #3I have to be very alert — I am prey to owls, hawks, tree snakes, or other climbing mammals.
4Clue #4I am an omnivore, so I eat many different foods, including nuts, fruit, insects, and sometimes even eggs and birds!
5Clue #5Since I am nocturnal, which means active at night, you may never see me.
6Clue #6I glide so well that humans have created a special skydiving suit that mimics the way I glide!
7Clue #7I am in the rodent family, the largest group of mammals, which includes rats, mice, beavers, chinchillas, and more.