Page 8 - Kind News, Jr. January/February 2025
P. 8



           The tiny kitten was just three weeks old
           when he was found in someone’s yard in

           Alaska. His back legs and tail were not
           moving. Shannon Basner was asked to help.
           Basner started a rescue group for animals with

           special needs called Mojo’s Hope.

            A veterinarian said that the kitten was paraplegic. He was not

            able to move the back half of his body. Basner adopted the
            kitten and named him HarPURR. She got him a cart with  wheels.

            In his cart, he plays an hour each day with toys and other animals.                                COVER: PROJECT STREET VET. THIS PAGE: SHANNON BASNER.
            “HarPURR is the purrince of the house,” she says. “He dives into his

            tunnel toy and tosses balls.” HarPURR went to the school where
            Basner works. He showed the children about resilience, the ability

            to be happy again after something hard happens.

        Now that you have read Kind News, challenge
        yourself with these questions:

        1. After reading “Healing Hands: At Work in        2. After reading “To the Rescue: Meet HarPURR,”
        Veterinary Medicine,” do you think it would be     what do you think it was like for HarPURR to
        hard to do Dr. Kwane Stewart and Kayla             learn how to use his cart? How do you think it
        Plucinski’s jobs? Why or why not? Think about      felt for him to show resilience? Think about a
        something that you do that you enjoy, but is also   time you had to think or act in a new way. What
        hard sometimes. Why do you keep doing it?          helped you keep trying?

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               © redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be
               edited for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized
               by charitable donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available
               as a single-copy home subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.
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