Page 4 - Kind News, Jr. January/February 2025
P. 4

<<< From his bag, Stewart
                                                                              can give medicine to help
                                                                              with fleas and ticks. He can
                                                                              treat skin and ear problems
                                                                              and help older dogs who
                                                                              have pain.

                   AT WORK IN

        Veterinary Medicine

        At Work for Animals: Veterinarian
                                                              STEWART SAYS:
        Dr. Kwane Stewart is a veterinarian                   “If [being a vet] is your dream,

        [VET-uh-ri-NAIR-ee-uhn], a doctor trained             do your best in school. Read
        to treat animals. Most veterinarians work at

        clinics or hospitals where people bring their         about whales and dolphins or
        pets. But the ones who need “Dr. Kwane”               what interests you.

        [Kwahn] the most will need to be found.               And always be
                                                              kind. Say hello
        Stewart walks city streets in California. He          to people.

        looks for pets who need care. Sometimes               Hold the door

        they are living next to buildings or in tents         for someone.
        with their people. Most people are not                Help your
        able to bring them to a veterinarian. They            neighbor.”

        do not have homes.

        His work as a “street vet” started with a
        dog and man outside a store. The dog

        was missing hair on her back, and her skin
        was red. Stewart brought flea medicine

        the next day. “When I saw them a week
        and a half later, the dog was wagging her

        tail. Her hair was coming back and her
        skin was healing,” he says. “She jumped

        up and licked me.”

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