Page 8 - Kind News, March/Apr 2022
P. 8

Miley the parrot now
                                                                                         lives happily with Maya.

                                                        Patchy the python!

                                                                               Kind Questions
        Animal Ambassadors

                                                                                 Now that you've read Kind
        Maya Higa used to be a zookeeper,   snake. When pet stores breed         News, challenge yourself
        but now she runs Alveus Sanctuary,   snakes for their beautiful colors,   with these questions.
        a 15-acre animal sanctuary in      snakes are sometimes born with        1.  What is one new thing you
        Austin, Texas. She cares for many   disabilities, like missing an eye.     learned about snakes from
        different types of animals, including   Patchy couldn't be sold at a pet   reading the Amazing World
        chickens, emus, donkeys, crows,    store because he only had one eye,      “Save the Snakes” article? If
        and horses. The animals in her care   so Maya rescued him. He is now an    you didn’t learn anything new
                                                                                   about them, what is one thing
        can’t be released into the wild, so   animal ambassador who teaches        you’d like to learn? What
        they act as animal ambassadors     people about the illegal pet trade.     other animals can you think of
        who help teach people about        Many ball pythons are smuggled, or      who might be misunderstood?
        wildlife conservation.             illegally brought, to the United        What do you think you could
           Miley the Catalina Macaw is one   States from Africa, hidden in PVC     do to help them?
        of four parrots in Maya's care who   pipes. Parrots like Miley are taken   2.  Before you read “Incredible  cover: jess thedinga/redrover. this page: redrover.
        were surrendered because their     from the wild when they are babies      Careers with Animals:
        owners didn't realize the kind of   and sold to pet stores.                Animal Control Officer,”
        care parrots need.                   Animals like Patchy and Miley         what was your perception of
           Another ambassador is named     now live a happy and healthy life       animal control officers? Has
        Patchy, a one-eyed ball python     with Maya.                              your opinion changed after
                                                                                   reading the article? Why or
                                                                                   why not?
        Help this snake find the path to her prey…

                                                                        Have a story to share about something
                                                                         kind you’ve done? Tell us about it at

               © redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be
               edited for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized by
               charitable donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available as a single-
               copy home subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.
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