Page 6 - Kind News, March/Apr 2022
P. 6
Count up your answers!
What How many of each did you answer?
Mostly As: you may enjoy a hands-on
animal career! You most likely enjoy
being active and on your feet, working
with animals hands-on. Some career
options are dog trainer, zookeeper,
animal control officer, animal groomer, or
would be the best fit for you animal shelter staff. You can help animals
by making sure they are happy, healthy,
and safe and by taking good care of
them every day.
1 Which is your favorite C. I like to do the creative parts, Mostly Bs: you may enjoy a career in
subject at school? like drawing or writing. veterinary medicine or research! You
A. P.E. or anything hands-on D. I like to help everyone finish most likely love learning. You don't mind
taking more time to learn complex topics
and physical. their parts and lend a hand about animals and medicine. You might
B. Science or math wherever I can. enjoy being a veterinarian, a veterinary
technician, or an animal researcher! You
C. English (writing or reading), can help animals by assisting them when
world languages, or art. 4 Which of these is most they are sick or injured, or even
D. Leadership activities like true for you? researching ways to cure diseases!
after-school clubs or A. I don’t like sitting at a computer Mostly Cs: you may enjoy a creative
student council. all day—I’d rather be on my career to help animals! You most likely
feet and active! love using creativity, like making art,
writing, or designing things. Some
2 Which is your favorite B. I don’t mind seeing things that potential careers for you might be a
type of game to play? might gross other people out, writer for an animal-themed magazine
A. Sports or any kind of active like surgeries or when friends like Kind News, a photographer for an
animal shelter or nonprofit, or an artist or
game where I’m moving get scrapes. musician who raises money for animals.
around. C. I love to create things and You can help animals by spreading
B. Games that help me use my use my imagination. awareness through creative projects.
brain to learn or test my D. I love to help teach people Mostly Ds: you may enjoy a career in
education! You most likely love helping
knowledge. things and lead activities. people and teaching them new things.
C. Creative games where I get to You could be something called a humane
design characters, build things, 5 Which activity sounds like educator, working at an animal shelter,
or make up stories. the most fun way to help zoo, aquarium, museum, or farm
sanctuary teaching children and adults
D. Games where I get to animals? about animals. You can also be a humane
work together and talk A. Taking care of animals, like educator as a classroom teacher who
with other kids. brushing, feeding, cleaning, helps your students learn about animals
walking, or training them. and how to treat them kindly.
3 When working on a group B. Using science and technology
project, which role do you prefer to help a sick or injured
to take? animal feel better.
Did you get a bunch
A. I like being the one to get C. Writing a story, painting, of different answers?
things done! or taking photos to help
B. I like to plan out the project animals. That’s OK! That just means you might
and think of the best way D. Starting a club to get enjoy a few different types of jobs working
to approach it. other kids involved with with animals. There are many other unique
helping animals. careers with animals! What others can you
6 think of? Learn more about animal careers
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