Page 8 - Kind News, Jr. November/December 2020
P. 8

To the

                               RESCUE!                                                  after

        Madame Turkey needed help!                                   before

        Meet Madame Turkey!                                                      Kind Questions

        One day a man saw a turkey lying on the side of the                    Now that you have
        road. He took her to the Wildlife Care Association in                  read Kind News,

        Sacramento, California. Every day, volunteers cared                    challenge yourself
                                                                               with these questions.
        for her. They called her Madame Turkey.                                1.  After reading Pet Corner,

            When Madame Turkey got stronger, she acted                           what do you notice about

        grumpy and scared when people came near. Volunteer                       the bond, or sense of
        Coordinator Yenifer said, “She was telling us she was                    connection, kids have
                                                                                 with their pets? Have
        ready to go.” Her cage was placed outside where                          you ever become closer

        other wild turkeys roamed, or walked about. Some                         to someone by spending
        of them went up to Madame Turkey’s cage. The wild                        a lot of time with them?
        flock welcomed her! The people of Wildlife Care
        Association still see her with her new turkey family.                  2.   After reading “People
                                                                                  Helping Pets in the
        They know they helped save a life.                                        Pandemic,” reread the
                                                                                  ideas on what you can
                                                                                  do to help animal shel-     cover: redrover; this page: redrover.
                                fun animal                                        ters. Is there an idea you
                                videos made                                       would like to try? Which
                                by kids.                                          one? What other ideas
                                                                                  do you have to help
                                Ask an adult if                                   animals where you live?
                                you can subscribe!

                                                                  Have a story to share about something
                                                                    kind you’ve done? Tell us about it at

           © redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be edited
            for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized by charitable
            donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available as a single-copy home
            subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.
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