Page 6 - Kind News, Jr. November/December 2020
P. 6
Pet Corner
At home with pets
Even though kids have been away from their friends and relatives
during the COVID-19 pandemic, they have grown closer to their
pets at home. Have you been getting to know your family or pets
better because of the quarantine? See how these kids have been
spending time with their pets.
the time of staying
old Tiana
away from others to
says, “My
prevent the spread
of disease.
cat Buster
ran away and
was lost for three weeks.
With the help of some
very kind neighbors,
Ten-year-old John says, we were able to bring
“Brownie likes to go on him home. Buster is 16
Nine-year-old Stella walks. Brownie and I years old. We do lazy
rescued two guinea play around the house, cat things like lounge
pigs, Rufus and and I try to teach him and read. Buster makes
Reggie. Stella says, new tricks, like how to me feel happy to have
“Rufus is more shy hop up on my bed — him back with me.”
than Reggie. They my bed is pretty high.
have taught me how I also give him a bath,
to be more gentle so that he does not
and responsible. I smell stinky. During
clean their cage and quarantine, we have
feed them. They gotten really close.
make staying home Now, I get a chance to
more fun. They are see Brownie all day,
so funny!" which he loves."
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