Page 8 - Kind News, Jr. May/June 2024
P. 8


       Patterson and Montgomery helped Fire Chief
       get well again. "The Chief" let his friends hold
       him, but do not try to pick up a big snapper in
       the wild!

       Fire Chief

        A snapping turtle lived behind a fire                                       After helping Fire Chief,
        station in Massachusetts. The fire                                          Montgomery and Patterson
                                                                                    made The Book of Turtles
        fighters named him “Fire Chief.” When                                       together!

        the weather got cool, Fire Chief would             stronger. “Fire Chief looks as big as a
        migrate, or move, to a deeper pond                 dinosaur, but he’s gentle as a puppy,”
        across the road. When he crossed in                Montgomery says.

        2017, a truck hit him by accident.
        Rescuers from Turtle Rescue League                 Fire Chief got well enough to leave the             COVER: HEARTS SPEAK AND MADDIE'S FUND®. THIS PAGE, FROM LEFT: JEANNE URDA, SY MONTGOMERY.
        took him in. Two people who helped                 hospital, but he stayed close to friends.

        Fire Chief were author Sy Montgomery               His new home is down the road from
        and artist Matt Patterson. They helped             Montgomery, at the pond behind

        him do exercises to make his legs                  Patterson’s home!

                    See the January/February 2024 feature story at
                                 to learn more about author Sy Montgomery!

                                                                                 KIND QUESTIONS
        Now that you have read Kind News, challenge
        yourself with these questions:

        1. After reading “Everyone Outside!”: which      2. After reading “Humane Hero,” imagine that
        idea to get out with animals sounds the most     you were Robin and found a lost dog. What
        fun? Why?                                        would you do?

               © redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be
               edited for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized
               by charitable donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available
               as a single-copy home subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.
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