Page 2 - Kind News, Jr. May/June 2024
P. 2

                                                     EEP CA

                                               AND BRAVE THE STORM
                                               A  ND      BR     A  VE      T  HE     S  T  O   R  M


                    Get Outdoors             BOOM! Summer can get loud with
                    with Animals             fireworks and thunder. This may make
                                             pets scared. You can help!

                                             Plan Ahead. Scared pets often run off.                                                                                           RESCUE!
                        6                    Make sure your pet has a collar and tag.                             ROBIN                                to the

                       Turtle                Calm is Cool. Being with your pet can
                                             help her feel safe. Go to a quiet space

                                             like a bedroom. Bring her a toy

                        7                    or blanket.

                      Amazing                Sing a Song. Play slow music.
                   World: How Do
                   Fireflies Glow?           Sing along. There is no
                                             sweeter music than a song

         3    Humane Hero:                   from the one you love!
            Robin Helps
            a Lost Dog

         8    To the Rescue:                         It’s a hot and stormy issue!
            Meet Fire Chief!                  Count the number of times the word ‘fire’ appears
                                              in this magazine. Do not count this box. Count
         ?    Where’s Raja?
            Find Raja, from The               bigger words that have 'fire'! Ask your teacher
            Restricted Adventures             or other grown-up for the answer!
            of Raja app, hidden
            in Kind News.


        Patrick McDonnell
             Distributed by
        King Features Syndicate, Inc.
         © 2022 Patrick McDonnell
      2 | kind news, jr.
                                                      © 2022 PATRICK MCDONNELL. DISTRIBUTED BY KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, INC.
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