Page 8 - Kind News, March/April 2024
P. 8
Meet Addy
M e e t A d d y
When Addison “Addy” arrived at Freedom
Reins Therapeutic Riding Center in New
Hampshire, she had just left an owner who
could no longer care for her.
She was thin, her hooves were overgrown, and her She not only shared Addy the horse’s name, she
back was sore. “Addy would flare her nostrils or had an instant bond with her. Addison and her
shy away from being touched,” says executive mom agreed to come and help several times a
director Denise Dragon. A farrier, a person who week with the plan to get Addy well. Addison COVER: BIGANDT_PHOTOGRAPHY/BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM. THIS PAGE: KIM WEAVER.
shoes horses, worked on Addy’s hooves. A horse would walk Addy up steep hills to build her back
chiropractor, a health care worker who helps with muscles. She would do stretching exercises with
back and neck pain, checked her. More health her and reward her with treats. Now, they’re
checks were scheduled to see if she could be working with a trainer in the riding arena! Addy
ridden again. seems grateful for all of Addison's love and care,
The day after, another Addison arrived: a coming to the gate when she hears her voice.
ten-year-old girl who volunteers with her mother. Dragon says, “The horse is saying, ‘That’s my kid!’”
Now that you've read Kind News, challenge yourself with these questions.
1. After reading “Shelter Pets On the Move!”: Did you 2. After reading “The Problem with Plastic” and “Pals of
notice any patterns in the movement of animals to the Planet,” what are some reasons plastic can be harmful
and from shelters around the country? If so, what? to animals? Think about how often you use plastic bags.
What are some of the causes for animals being moved? What are some alternatives you could opt for instead of
Think about how you could encourage others to adopt carrying things in plastic bags? Bonus question: How can
a pet from a shelter. List two ideas. you raise awareness about plastic to others, like Scarlett
did? Do you have other ideas for an Earth Ranger project?
© redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be
edited for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized
by charitable donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available
as a single-copy home subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.