Page 2 - Kind News, March/April 2024
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Pet Corner

                        4                   Warmer weather is coming, and cats love a spring

                  A Second Chance           breeze and some bird-watching! Unfortunately, the great
                   for Shelter Pets         outdoors also has cars, fighting animals, and diseases.

                                            A Purr-fect Plan
                                            Many people are bringing their cats closer to nature safely with
                                            catios, screened porches for cats. “The cats are much happier to
                        6                   be able to go out and lie in the sun,” says Jennifer McMillan about
                                            her large catio that has a tree in it and cat-walk from her home.
                     Protecting             She is president of the Cats of Salt Spring Rescue Society in British
                      Animals               Columbia, Canada.
                                            Catios for All
                                            Catios come in all shapes and sizes. There are window boxes sold as
                                            kits online. Others create catios themselves using wood and chicken
                                            wire. “It doesn’t have to be expensive,” McMillan says.
                        7                   Love Your Cat

                   Amazing World:           If you have a cat, talk with your family and see if a catio is right for
                    Pesky Plastic!
                                            you! No matter what, there are many ways to keep your cat happy.
                                            Make sure you’re interacting with your cat to create a stimulating,
                                            or an exciting or interesting, environment. “Your cat needs to make
         3    Humane Hero:                  a bond with you,” says McMillan. “Show love, give attention, and give
            Become an Earth                 a safe space with toys that are safe to play with.”

         8    To the Rescue:
            Meet Addy!

         ?    Where’s Raja?                       Find five ideas from Humane Society of
            Find Raja, from The
            Restricted Adventures                       Missouri at!
            of Raja app, hidden
            in Kind News.


        Patrick McDonnell
             Distributed by
        King Features Syndicate, Inc.
         © 2022 Patrick McDonnell
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