Page 4 - Kind News, Jr. May/June 2023
P. 4
Around the world, what looked like a flying saucer
the climate is getting warmer. dug in the snow. It was a moose
At Yellowstone National Park bed! There was moose fur left
in the western United States, from the moose rubbing hard on
the warmer air means fewer the ground. There were ticks
days with snow. It also means crawling in the fur. The ticks are
snow that is not as deep as it living longer in the warmer
used to be. weather, and it is a problem for
the moose they feed on. The ticks
Susie Spikol is a naturalist. She can make them sick.
studies plants and animals in
nature. She works at the Harris Spikol’s message for young
Center for Conservation Education people? “I would love for them to
in New Hampshire. She has lived in slow down and look at the wildlife
the area for 30 years. Over time around them,” she says. “Spend
she has seen less and less snow time outside. Watch and listen.
and warmer weather trends. On Share what you find. Tell others
one December walk, she found to go out, too.”
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