Page 5 - Kind News, Jan/Feb 2021
P. 5
If you have ever seen a mouse,
how did you react? Were you
scared? Excited? Although people
sometimes fear mice, these tiny,
furry creatures actually have a lot
in common with humans!
MAKE FACES? They make different faces to OF GETTING
express emotions, such as happiness or fear. When A PET MOUSE?
mice are scared, they may show it by raising up
their ears and making their eyes bigger. Like humans, Here are some tips to keep in mind:
mice make different faces when they taste some-
thing bitter, like kale, versus when they taste
something sweet, like a strawberry. Learning about
how mice show their emotions helps scientists • Since mice are social animals, they need fellow
learn how emotions are expressed in people. mice as friends!
Although we might think mice like to eat cheese, • When getting a pair of mice, it is best to get two
a diet of fruit, seeds, and grains is much healthier females. Since mice have babies often (every
for them. Mice are excellent foragers, meaning three to four weeks!), avoid housing male and
they can search out food really well, and they are female mice together. If you are going to get one
omnivores, which means they eat both plants and mouse, make sure to give him or her plenty of
meat. Like some people who enjoy snacking, mice love and attention!
can eat around 15 to 20 times in one day! • Mice are small and fragile, so be very gentle when
Unlike humans, mice are nocturnal animals, holding them.
meaning they like to sleep during the day. They can
be heard playing or foraging at nighttime. If you’re • Mice are also very quick! They can jump out of
considering adopting a pet mouse, be aware that your hand very easily, so be sure to sit or get low
the best time to play with them is usually late in when holding them. You don’t want them to jump
the evening. from a tall height by accident.
Mice are also a lot like humans when it comes to • Make sure to give your mouse clean, fresh water
how their bodies work. Because of this, they are every day!
often used to test if medicine, household products, • Give your mouse healthy food, such as fruits,
and cosmetics are safe for humans. Now, there are • Provide a running wheel or tunnels for your
veggies, nuts, and seeds.
facing pages: mikhalitskaia/bigstock. virtual mouse model, created on a computer, can • Get safe bedding for your mouse enclosure
many alternatives to animal testing that are begin-
ning to replace using real animals. For example, a
mouse to explore.
be used instead of a real mouse.
Mice are also very social creatures! Because they
made of comfy materials, like soft paper. They
like to make nests they can hide in. Change your
like to be close to others, they are often kept as
mouse’s bedding at least once a week, but mix a
pets. If you think your family might be ready to get
a pet mouse, read on to learn what helps mice be
little of the old bedding with the new. The familiar
smell will comfort your mouse!
healthy and happy.
There are a lot of products available to purchase that do not test on animals!
Look for the Leaping Bunny image to find these products.
Jan/Feb 2021 | 5