Page 7 - Kind News, September October 2020
P. 7
BE 1 I have four pairs of eyes which
help me hunt prey and get
around quickly and easily.
A BUG 2 have scopulae, sticky hairs on
my feet, that help me hold onto
glass or other smooth surfaces.
3 My name comes from my
Take a walk outside around your home or go to a nearby park. ability to jump very long
Find an insect. Follow and observe your insect closely. Take notes distances. I can jump up to
opposite page: redrover; this page, from top: sewcream/bigstock; suman ghosh/bigstock.
about how it acts, or its behavior. Get down as close as you can six times my body length!
to the bug’s level. What does your insect do? Do you think the 4 nstead of trapping my prey,
insect knows you are there? How can you tell? How would you I catch it by jumping on it, and
describe the insect’s personality? Go back to page 4 for a list of my binocular vision helps me
words that describe personality traits. Do you think any of these judge depth.
can describe your insect?
5 I plan my motions depending
Become a Scientist! Take a photo of your insect and ask a parent on what I need to do! In one
or teacher to help you upload it to the website study, I showed that when my
People will help identify the insect for you. Write down what you prey is closer, I choose faster,
see, or your observations, in a journal or log. This information helps lower jumps to increase the
scientists better understand where insects live and how they might chances that I will catch it.
move based on the season, weather conditions, or other changes 6 Even though I don’t have ears,
in nature. I can still sense sound — the
sensory hairs on my body take
in sound wave vibrations, which
LEARN MORE! send signals to my brain.
Check out these insect apps available through app stores.
7 To attract a mate, I sing a special
Seek by iNaturalist: Explore and earn badges for finding common song and dance!
species // Bug Hunter: Use your camera to add bugs to your room.
Virtually visit the habitats of bugs in New Zealand and Canada // What am I?
Meet the Insects (iPad only): Watch and interact with an animated
world of insects
fun animal
videos made
by kids.
Ask an adult if
you can subscribe!