Page 3 - Kind News, September October 2020
P. 3
Ethan HU
Most states have their own special passed the House of Representatives in January.
opposite page, from top: zsuzsanna tóth/pixabay; redrover; raja app images: bryan huff. this page, redrover.
flowers, songs, and nicknames. The bill was stopped when the Senate had to turn
Some have their own state pets, to human health and money matters. But in the
like the malamute in Alaska and process of making shelter pets official, Ethan did
what he set out to do: shine a spotlight on homeless
the Boston terrier in Massachusetts. animals. He did interviews for his local TV stations
After Ohio chose as its official pet and gave a speech at a rally in front of the statehouse.
any animal adopted from a shelter, Ethan said, “I just want to say to all the kids out
7-year-old Kentucky resident Ethan there, don’t think [that] just because you’re a kid you
Branscum got an idea. can’t make a difference.”
Ethan wrote a letter to his State Representative,
Joe Graviss. Representative Graviss introduced You have a voice, too!
the idea as House Bill 27, “An act relating to state
symbols.” A bill is language that gets voted on by Each American has lawmakers representing them
each group of lawmakers in a state or country. In at the local, state, and national (country) levels of
a state, these groups of lawmakers are the House government. Their job is to hear about problems
of Representatives and the Senate. Once these you care about. If you have an idea for a bill, let
lawmakers pass a bill, it then has to be signed by your lawmakers know! You can find representatives
the governor to become law. If passed, House Bill at Have your address ready,
27 would make cats and dogs living in or adopted and ask an adult for help.
from Kentucky animal shelters or rescues the
official pets of Kentucky. Have a story of how you’ve
Ethan and Representative Graviss high-fived helped animals? We’d love to hear it!
each other at the state house when House Bill 27 Share your story at
R I DDL E R A T ! (answer on p. 7) Sept/Oct 2020 | 3