Page 8 - Kind News, Jr. September/October 2024
P. 8


           Little Crow

        Last June, a young crow was found in a puddle in
        front of a house in Montana. She was shaking and

        moving slowly. The home owners found Dave Pauli,
        a wildlife program manager for the Humane Society of

        the United States.

        When Pauli captured the bird, she made a distress call

        to let her parents know she needed help. “Normally
        crow parents are there in 60 to 90 seconds,” says Pauli.
        But no one came. Pauli warmed and dried the bird with                                                  COVER: BARBAR1/BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM. THIS PAGE: TOP & BOTTOM, MAGGIE PAULI; MIDDLE: DAVE PAULI.

        towels. He fed her mealworms and cat food. Later, he
        went back and held her up. “She cawed and cawed

        more distress calls,” says Pauli. After two minutes, he
        heard a longer, deeper caw from far away. Two adult
        birds flew over, and Pauli set the little crow on the

        ground. The crow's parents had come to get her!

                                                                                  KIND QUESTIONS
        Now that you have read Kind News, challenge
        yourself with these questions:

        1. After reading “Making Friends with Pets”       2. After reading “To the Rescue: Meet Little
        and “Happy Cat?,” what is one new thing you       Crow,” what did Dave Pauli do to find the
        learned about cats? If you knew these facts,      crow's parents? How do you think he felt when
        what is another cat fact you know? What are       he found them? How do you think the young
        some reasons why a cat who does not know          crow felt?
        you may not trust you right away?
                                                                      Subscribe at home!


               © redrover. all rights reserved. kind news may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from redrover. student contributions may be
               edited for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized
               by charitable donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available
               as a single-copy home subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.
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