Page 2 - Kind News, Jr. September/October 2024
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                                    Making Friends                                                                        T-SHIRTS

                                           With Pets

                                           Getting to know a new person takes time.
                        4                  This is true for pets, too! The next time you

                      Feelings             meet a dog or cat, try these tips.

                                            Meet & Greet  Let a new pet come to you,

                        6                   says Devon Krusko, RedRover’s field services
                                            manager. A dog may sniff your shoes and body.

                     Getting to             See if a cat will play with a toy with feathers.
                   Know Animals

                                            To Pet or Not to Pet?  Ask a dog’s
                                            owner if it is okay first. Pet gently on the side of
                        7                   her body. Let a cat bunt, or rub on your legs if

                      Keeping               he wants to. If he does, try giving a chin scratch.
                    Wildlife Wild

                                            A Warm Welcome  Do you have a new

         3    Humane Hero:
            Jayson Teaches                  pet? Help her feel safe and happy. Notice when
                                            she wants to play or be alone. Enjoy learning
            about Shelter Pets

         8    To the Rescue:                what she likes!
            Meet Little Crow!

         ?    Where’s Raja?
            Find Raja, from The           Do you want to help shelter pets? Find five ideas from
            Restricted Adventures
            of Raja app, hidden             Humane Society of Missouri at!
            in Kind News.


        Patrick McDonnell
             Distributed by
        King Features Syndicate, Inc.
         © 2024 Patrick McDonnell
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                                                      © 2024 PATRICK MCDONNELL. DISTRIBUTED BY KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, INC.
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