Page 8 - Kind News Magazine November/December 2023
P. 8
Meet Scar
Scar struggled to stay warm in his cage. Scar is a pet “The more you handle snakes, the calmer they
Boa constrictor (bow-uh cuhn-strict-er). In the wild, become,” Kennedy says. “They like different things,
these snakes live in tropical places in Central and South just like people. They can become friends with dogs
America. His owner had a small heat lamp to help, but and cats. Scar is really friendly around kids.” THIS PAGE: HAILEY LAWSON; STEVEN KENNEDY. COVER: LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS/BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM.
when Scar got too close to it, his nose got burned! At the Snaketuary, Scar gets breaks from his cage
Thankfully, Scar’s owner called Steven Kennedy of to slither around the grass and climb bushes and
Steve’s Snaketuary (snake-chew-ary) in Louisiana. small trees in the yard. He gets to go on trips to
Kennedy runs the sanctuary — a place animals can schools and camps to help teach people about
live freely and safely — just for snakes! Kennedy saw snakes. “And he loves hanging out on the couch with
that Scar needed a bigger space for his nose to heal. us,” Kennedy says. “He’ll fall asleep in our laps while
He welcomed him at the Snaketuary and began to we’re watching TV.”
get to know him.
Now that you've read Kind News, challenge yourself with these questions.
1. After reading “For All You Get…Give!” who was 2. After reading “To the Rescue – Meet Scar,” how could
your favorite giving person or people to read about? you tell what Scar’s personality is like? Would you want to
Why? What are some things you already do to give get to know a snake like Scar? Why or why not? Do you
back and help others? Why do you do them? If you know of another animal with a special or unusual
don’t do this yet, what could you do to help animals personality? Describe the animal in one to two sentences.
or people? If you don’t know an animal like this, describe a real or
imaginary animal you’d like to meet.
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for readability. the classroom edition of kind news is published five times a year, september through may. a classroom subscription, subsidized by charitable
donations, is available at $30 per year and each issue includes 28 copies of kind news plus a teacher guide. kind news is also available as a single-copy home
subscription, published five times a year, including a parent guide, for $10 per subscription.