Page 4 - Kind News, Jr. May/June 22
P. 4

As an eight-year-old camper in Ontario, Canada,
                                      Jonathan Balcombe was excited to try fishing. That
                                      changed when he saw a fish hanging on the hook. He

                                      was worried about the fish being out of water. He
                                      was happy when the camp teacher put the fish back
                                      in the lake.

        Now, Balcombe is a scientist who                   Balcombe has also found that fish
        studies fish. He has found that fish               feel pain. “There is no nice way of

        play. He saw small fish in Florida                 catching a fish on a hook,” he says.
        jumping over a stick in the water. He              Even if you throw them back, they
        has found that fish think. They use                will be afraid and may get hurt. Now,

        water and rocks to catch prey, other               he spends his time in other ways.
        animals they hunt for food. He has                 “Any time I can snorkel — swim close
        found that some fish live in families.             to the top of the water — it is the

        They care for their young and help                 best activity,” Balcombe says. “I see
        their family members.                              huge numbers of fish.”

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