Page 2 - Kind News, Jr. September October 2021, Teaching Guide
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     Kindergarten: NGSS K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants
     and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.
     After reading Amazing World, “Brainy Birds,” ask: What do crows do to help them
     survive? What is a tool? How do crows use tools? Ask students to pretend they are
     a crow and act out making a hook and using it to grab an insect from a hard-to-
     reach place, like inside their desk. Alternatively, provide materials for them to use
     to simulate the hook and the insects, such as paper clips and balls of string or
     gummy candy. Then ask them to think about other animals who change their
     surroundings to meet their needs, such as squirrels burying their food in the
     ground, or beavers building dams. To extend the activity, have students act out
     how another animal of their choice changes the environment to meet their needs.

                            First grade: NGSS 1-PS4-2. Make observations to construct an
                             evidence-based account that objects can be seen only when illuminated.
                              CASEL Core Competency: Self-Awareness.
                              To go with “Meet Kaylee Greer, Dog Photographer”: After reading the article,
                              ask: How many of you like to take pictures? Have you ever thought about
                              being a photographer? Discuss what Kaylee said about needing good light to
                             take good pictures. If time and materials permit, students can try one of the
                           following activities:
         Help students make pinhole cameras with shoe boxes and a sharp pencil by poking
     a hole in one side of the box. Working in pairs, have students choose different objects,
     put them in the box, and have their partner look through the hole to see if they can
     guess what they are. They should first try to guess by looking through the hole in the
     closed box with no light. If they can’t guess, they can try looking through the hole with
     a flashlight. If they still cannot guess, they can lift the lid to reveal the object.
         Go outside on a sunny day and observe objects in nature, such as animals, plants, the sky, or the
     clouds. Look at objects very closely. What do they notice about them? Which animals or plants would
     they like to photograph most? Why? If they can do so safely, have children go outside after sunset with
     a parent or guardian. Do they think it would be harder to take pictures at night? Why or why not?

     Second grade: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.5. Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings
     or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts,
     and feelings. CASEL Core Competency: Social Awareness.
     To go with Pet Corner: After reading the article and doing the activity, ask students to make up fun ways
     to remember foods you should not feed pets, such as mnemonic devices. Here are some examples:

                               “Sugar is sweet; sugar is nice, but before giving
                               it to your doggie, think twice!”
                               “I might drink milk from a cow who says moo.
                               But giving it to my kitty is not the right thing
                               to do!”
                               “Before you pick up that bone — leave it alone!”

     Once they have at least one tip to remember, students can illustrate the statement
     and record their sayings if they wish. To extend the activity, combine all of your
     students’ recordings into one, or have them share their mnemonics with a        Where’s Raja?
     younger class to raise awareness about pet safety.                               RAJA IS HIDING ON PAGE 7!
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