Page 5 - Kind News, Jr. September October 2021
P. 5
KN: What is your typical
day like?
KG: I start with emails. At 4:00 p.m.
I pack up to go to a park or lake to
take photos. I start taking pictures
right before sunset when the light is
best. I hope for pink and orange skies.
KN: How do animals “talk”
to you during a photo shoot? KN: Any advice for our
readers who want to be
KG: Smaller dogs are famous for photographers?
lifting one paw up. It means the dog
is fearful. If I see that, I put the KG: If you see beautiful
camera away. I bring out treats and things, you should take a photo.
facing pages: kelly greer. eyeball behind my camera! It can With shelter dog photos, people see
That moment could change a life.
toys. To the dog, I look like a giant
them and drive far away to adopt.
upset them. I have learned to keep
That dog becomes their best friend.
my face above the camera.
Sept/Oct 2021 | 5