Page 1 - Kind News, Jr. March/April 2022 Parent Guide
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Parent Guide

                                                                                MAR/APR 2022

                                                                       Teaching kindness while
                                                                         helping to instill good
                                                                      reading habits in children.

                                                                       BOOK NOOK

                                                                       Snakes for Kids: A
                                                                       Junior Scientist’s Guide

                                                                       to Venom, Scales, and
                                                                       Life in the Wild

                                                                          Written by Michael G. Starkey,
                                                                        Recommended for ages 5-9
                                                            Take an amazing journey into the wonderful world of
                                                            snakes — fangs, rattles, scales, and all. Snakes for Kids is
             KIND TIME                                      filled with fascinating facts and wild photographs that
                                                            will take you close up to serpents from around the globe!
                                                            Dive into their habitats and life cycles and see how their
             Happy Spring! In this issue                    relationships with other animals create balance in the
             we’ll learn about the real role                food web and help keep ecosystems healthy.
                                                              Start by learning more about some of your favorite
             of an animal control officer,                  snakes — from the King Cobra to the massive Anaconda.
             straight from the source!                      Discover how they move, what they eat, why they shed their
             We’ll decode dog language,                     skin, and plenty of other cool details. You’ll also meet a few
                                                            lesser-known snakes, like the strange family of blind snakes
             investigate the lives of                       that tunnel underground. Learn everything there is to know
             snakes, and hear how one                       about these mysterious reptiles and become an expert on our
             boy’s big heart inspired                       slithering friends.
                                                              Says Dr. Sara Ruane, herpetologist and evolutionary
             him to help countless                          biologist at Rutgers University, “Scientifically accurate books
             animals and people.                            for kids are a serious rarity, especially when it comes to
                                                            snakes! Starkey’s book is visually appealing, fun to read, and
                                                            importantly factual; this book will capture the attention of a
                                                            budding herpetologist or any child who simply wants to know
                                                            more about these fascinating creatures.”
           To access an interactive
           version of this issue online,
           visit                              COPYRIGHT: SAVE THE SNAKES. © 2020 BY ROCKRIDGE PRESS,
           Check out our recommended                        EMERYVILLE, CA. ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THIS BOOK BENEFIT
                                                            SNAKES. LEARN MORE AT SAVETHESNAKES.ORG.

                                                                    A PUBLICATION OF
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