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Parent Guide

                                                                                JAN/FEB 2021

                                                                       Teaching kindness while
                                                                         helping to instill good
                                                                      reading habits in children.

                                                                        BOOK NOOK

                                      KIND TIME                     Goodbye Mousie

                                                                    Written by Robie H. Harris
                                          Welcome to                Recommended for ages 2-6
                                           2021! In this
                                            issue, we’ll                            One morning a boy
                                             look at the                            finds that his pet,
                                             fascinating                             Mousie, won’t wake
                                             world of                                up. The truth is
                                             mice and                                Mousie has died.
                                             read what                                At first the boy
                                            makes these                               doesn’t believe it.
                                           social little                              He gets very mad
                                          animals tick.                               at Mousie for dying,
                                        We’ll read about                   and then he feels very sad. But
                                      a boy who worked              talking about Mousie, burying Mousie
                                   towards something                in a special box, and saying goodbye
                               bigger than himself, hear            helps this boy begin to feel better
           the tales tails can tell, and see a                      about the loss of his beloved pet.
           cool rescue story from one of                            ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ROBIE H. HARRIS IS AN AWARD-WINNING
                                                                    AUTHOR OF MORE THAN THIRTY NONFICTION AND PICTURE BOOKS
           Kind News’ very own staff                                FOR CHILDREN. HER WRITING FOCUSES ON CHILDREN’S EMOTIONAL
                                                                    LIVES. SHE IS WELL-KNOWN FOR PORTRAYING SERIOUS TOPICS
           members!                                                 WITH HUMOR AND HONESTY, AND FOR PRESENTING ACCURATE
                                                                    INFORMATION TO KIDS ABOUT WHAT THEY NEED TO BE HEALTHY
                                                                    AND SAFE. OTHER BOOKS BY ROBIE H. HARRIS INCLUDE WHO’S IN
                                                                    MY FAMILY, WHAT’S SO YUMMY?, AND CRASH! BOOM! A MATH TALE.
                                                                    LEARN MORE ABOUT HER AT WWW.ROBIEHARRIS.COM.
                                                                    COPYRIGHT: GOODBYE MOUSIE. © 2004 BY ROBIE H. HARRIS.
                                                                    PUBLISHED BY ALADDIN BOOKS, A DIVISION OF SIMON & SCHUSTER,
           To access an interactive                                 NEW YORK, NY.
           version of this issue online,
           visit Check out our
           recommended book list at                                      FLIP OVER!
                                                                                              Turn the page for
                                                                  Where’s Raja?              activities to use in
                  Did you know?                                                             your classroom that
                                                                   Raja is hiding on page 3!  align to standards.

           Your local or school library can get a FREE single-copy
           subscription simply by visiting, selecting the
           individual subscription option, and entering promo code LIB2020.
           You can find more recommended books at                   a publication of
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