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Parent Guide

                                                                                NOV/DEC 2020

                                                                        Teaching kindness while
                                                                         helping to instill good
                                                                      reading habits in children.

                                                                        BOOK NOOK

                                     KIND TIME                      Fred Stays With Me!

                                                                    Written by Nancy Coffelt
                                        In this issue               Recommended for ages 4-8
                                         we’re cele-
                                         brating the                                “Sometimes I live with
                                          human-                                    my mom. Sometimes I
                                          animal bond!                               live with my dad. But
                                          We’ll hear how                             Fred stays with me.”
                                          kids have                                  Told from the point of
                                         become even                                  view of a young child
                                        closer to their                               whose parents are
                                       pets while at                                  divorced, Fred Stays
                                     home and meet                                    with Me! follows a
                                   people who have                  girl and her dog, Fred, from one parent’s
                                been heroes for shelter             house to the other’s, giving her a sense
                            animals during the COVID-19             of continuity and stability. With simple
           pandemic. We’ll also see how one                         text and childlike language, the story
           girl has helped animals around                           expresses and addresses a child’s
           the globe, learn how a snake                             concerns, highlights the friendship
           senses the world, and hear a                             between child and pet, presents a
           cool wild turkey rescue story.                           common ground for the parents, and
                                                                    resolves conflict in a positive way. Tricia
                                                                    Tusa’s charming and whimsical artwork
                                                                    adds a light, happy feel to this poignant
           To access an interactive                                 — but not overly sentimental — story.
           version of this issue online,
           visit Check out our                                     BOOK SUMMARY FROM AMAZON.COM.
           recommended book list at                          FRED STAYS WITH ME! COPYRIGHT 2011 BY
                                                                                 NANCY COFFELT. PUBLISHED BY LITTLE
                                                                                 BROWN AND COMPANY, NEW YORK, NY.

                  Did you know?                                                  Where’s Raja?

                                                                                 Raja is hiding on page 4!
           Your local or school library can get a FREE single-copy
           subscription simply by visiting, selecting the
           individual subscription option, and entering promo code LIB2020.
           You can find more recommended books at                   a publication of
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